How do I get extra credit for attending a library workshop?

If your professor has offered extra credit for attending a library workshop, you can demonstrate your attendance at the workshop by providing them with a Proof of Attendance.

Here's how it works:

Step 1: Record Your Attendance

During your workshop, the librarian leading the workshop will provide everyone with a link to an online form where you can record your attendance. After you fill out the attendance form, your Proof of Attendance will automatically be emailed to the email address you provide.

Step 2: Save Your Proof of Attendance

Please allow several minutes for your Proof of Attendance to arrive, and be sure to check your junk folder if you don't see it. When your Proof of Attendance arrives, save the PDF file attachment. 

Sample Proof of Attendance

Sample Proof of Attendance

(Click on image to view full size version)

Step 3: Provide Your Proof of Attendance to Your Professor

To receive extra credit for your workshop, you'll need to provide your Proof of Attendance to your instructor. 

Canvas Assignment

If your professor has set up an assignment in Canvas for your extra credit, you can submit your Proof of Attendance PDF in Canvas as a File Upload. 


You can also forward the email containing your Proof of Attendance directly to your professor. Most professors do not accept assignments by email, so please check with them first before attempting to submit your Proof of Attendance this way. 



  • Last Updated Oct 15, 2024
  • Views 22
  • Answered By Melissa Cober

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